New year, new you!

The gyms are full, the bars are empty, welcome to January. Isn’t it funny how everybody (I mean literally everybody, including myself!) remember that our neglected and abused bodies need some love and attention comes 1st January?

I’ll make a confession: I’m so glad Christmas and New Year are over. I really don’t like the Christmas period, the crazy shopping, the pressure. I don’t enjoy it like a child, I resent the hell out of it. That’s why I prefer to run away somewhere hot and escape Christmas, but this year I did not. I stayed right here, in London. And it really wasn’t that bad, but I’m still glad it’s over. I’m glad everything’s back to normal, because I like routine. Yes, I love routine. I love my daily habits, I love my regular gym going, my coffee in the morning, I even love the fact that tomorrow I’m going back to into working.

After two months of bumming around, I’m starting a new job tomorrow (it’s actually a freelance contract, which is why it’s so much better than a job!) and I’m over the moon about it. I’m looking forward to dressing up again, to being around people, to meeting new people. Once again I realised that lack of routine is really bad for me.

So everyone’s talking about a new year, a new you. I think every single day is an opportunity for a new you. Another day of keeping at it whatever you want to achieve in the long term is forging a new you. Keep that January energy up and use it for the whole year.

Of course I’ve made a few New Year resolutions. Some really bold ones too. Some resolutions I would only have whispered in the past, not even believing I had a slightest shot at. But this year is different. I’m a new me. I didn’t do a video like last year. I chanted them at midnight and I wrote them in my journal and I repeat them every day. Because it is our thoughts that create our reality!

Happy New Year, everybody!


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