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I wrote a panto

I wrote a panto. It was on the back of acting in the previous year’s panto. After years of refusing to join the 64 Players’

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In writerly news

I have attended my first Jericho Writers Festival of Writing in 2022, in York. I was a little nervous at first, but at the end

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The Spirit of Times

Yesterday, while driving back from picking-up the laundry for Maison de la rivière and pointlessly browsing the usual crappy French radio stations, Amy Winehouse’s Rehab

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A very stubborn writer

“We’ve all heard that the unexamined life is not worth living, but consider too that the unlived life is not worth examining.”― Julia Cameron, The

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A need for magic

I haven’t been able to write of late. I type and delete and type again and delete again. I’m not sure it’s writers block –

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