
The Rules are dead. Long live the new dating paradigm!

I know it’s been a while since I last posted. I am sorry for my long silence but I promise you it’s only  because I’ve got so many things in the making to share with you. To start with, last month I launched The Love Podcast! Yay. Check me out 😉 This is a very …

The Rules are dead. Long live the new dating paradigm! Read More »

What I\’ve learnt during the year of The Love Project

  It was the last day of 2013 and I was celebrating it with my BOYFRIEND. It was nothing fancy, just a few friends gathered at my flat and cheap champagne drunk at midnight on Tower Bridge, under a miserable cold rain. With elongated necks trying to see the fireworks taking place behind the bend of …

What I\’ve learnt during the year of The Love Project Read More »